Hosted by IDTechEx
Global Biotechnology Insights
May 3, 2022
Upcoming Webinar - Point-of-Care Biosensors: COVID-19 and Beyond

Upcoming Webinar - Point-of-Care Biosensors: COVID-19 and Beyond

Thursday 5 May 2022 - What is driving the growing need for point-of-care? Is point-of-care too expensive? What's next for COVID-19 point-of-care? The webinar will discuss growth during the COVID-19 pandemic; the market beyond COVID-19; key trends; and emerging transduction methods at point-of-care
Global Biotechnology Insights
Apr 20, 2022
How Has the Biosensor Market Doubled in Just Two Years?

How Has the Biosensor Market Doubled in Just Two Years?

Never before has point-of-care testing been so crucial to healthcare systems. In the last 2 years, COVID-19 has caused the point-of-care biosensors industry to expand by almost 300%. A recent IDTechEx report explains the drivers causing the shift from conventional laboratory-based diagnostics toward point-of-care diagnostics performed directly at hospitals, clinics, offices, and at home.
Global Biotechnology Insights
Apr 11, 2022
Diabetes Technology Market: Continuous Glucose Monitors Drives Growth

Diabetes Technology Market: Continuous Glucose Monitors Drives Growth

By the year 2032, IDTechEx predicts the test strip industry to make up only 6.7% of the overall diabetes management device market, down from a peak of 63.4% in 2010.
Global Biotechnology Insights
Apr 5, 2022
Join the Upcoming IDTechEx Webinar on Continuous Glucose Monitors

Join the Upcoming IDTechEx Webinar on Continuous Glucose Monitors

Thursday 28 April 2022 - A New Era for Diabetes Management. Discussions on how CGMs can drive diabetes management digital health platforms; overview on how a growing CGM industry will affect the insulin delivery industry; future targets of the diabetes management technology industry and several examples of technologies being developed to meet these targets.
Global Biotechnology Insights
Feb 22, 2022
Biden's Critical and Emerging Technologies: Areas To Watch

Biden's Critical and Emerging Technologies: Areas To Watch

In February 2022, the White House issued an updated list of critical and emerging technologies that the Office of Science and Technology Policy (OSTP), National Science and Technology Council (NSTC), and National Security Council (NSC) have identified as being important for US national security. Numerous technology areas have been featured, including advanced manufacturing, hypersonics, biotechnologies, and artificial intelligence. Of these, IDTechEx has highlighted which areas to watch and why exactly the White House has shortlisted them as critical technologies.
Global Biotechnology Insights
Feb 1, 2022
New Hydrogel Types, Applications, Opportunities

New Hydrogel Types, Applications, Opportunities

Gymnast of chemicals, the awesome hydrogel is a 3D network of hydrophilic polymers like a giant molecule that can swell in water and hold at least 10% of water while maintaining a well-defined structure. Medical hydrogels currently dominate hydrogel publicity, patents, and research but the rest will become a larger business 2022-2042.
Global Biotechnology Insights
Nov 30, 2021
The Most Significant Advanced Materials News from 2021

The Most Significant Advanced Materials News from 2021

With the pandemic still raging, supply chain disruptions, the chip shortage, climate catastrophes, and geopolitical turbulence, it is safe to say 2021 has not been smooth sailing. The materials and chemical sector provides the backbone of every industry and remains under pressure from all these challenges. In this article, IDTechEx highlights the key news from their independent perspective on this crucial industry.
Global Biotechnology Insights
Nov 18, 2021
Printed Electronics: Emerging Applications Accelerate Towards Adoption

Printed Electronics: Emerging Applications Accelerate Towards Adoption

2021 has been an exciting year for printed electronics, with multiple applications reaching commercial adoption and significant funds flowing into the sector. Even where technologies are not yet commercialized, companies are increasingly transitioning from developing their technology and producing speculative demonstration prototypes to development and qualification projects for specific customers.
Global Biotechnology Insights
Oct 28, 2021
Upcoming Webinar on Sensors and Sensor-Centric 6G Communications

Upcoming Webinar on Sensors and Sensor-Centric 6G Communications

Wednesday 3 November 2021 - Prospects for All Sensors and Preparation for Sensor-Centric 6G Communications in 2022. This webinar reveals progress in 2021 and prospects for 2022, and much more! Register your place on of the three sessions.
Global Biotechnology Insights
Oct 27, 2021
Join the Upcoming Webinar Discussing Wearable Technology in 2021

Join the Upcoming Webinar Discussing Wearable Technology in 2021

Tuesday 2 November 2021 - A Summary of Key Market Data and Trends. This webinar will cover major trends in each sector of wearable technology, presenting data about the current state of the market as well as a general outlook for each sector
Global Biotechnology Insights
Oct 26, 2021
Where is the Momentum in Wearables in 2021?

Where is the Momentum in Wearables in 2021?

Over the past decade, wearables have progressed from a niche curiosity on the fringes of the consumer electronics sector, to being a key strategic element for many of the largest technology companies in the world. The total market for wearable technology products has doubled in annual revenue since 2015, generating nearly $80bn in revenue in 2020. However, with momentum, product trends, and focuses shifting all the time, it is important to stay ahead of the competition and consider the trends which will drive the sector over the coming years and decades.
Global Biotechnology Insights
Oct 18, 2021
Is it Finally Time for Printed Temperature Sensors?

Is it Finally Time for Printed Temperature Sensors?

Think of a temperature sensor - and a traditional glass thermometer, or perhaps a small thermistor would probably spring to mind. However, a new class of temperature sensors is rapidly emerging that offers spatial resolution together with a thin-film format.
Global Biotechnology Insights
Oct 13, 2021
Join the Upcoming IDTechEx Webinar on 5G

Join the Upcoming IDTechEx Webinar on 5G

Thursday 14 October 2021 - What is the deployment outlook in 5 key regions including China, the U.S., Europe, South Korea, and Japan? Who are the key players? How will this technology disrupt 5G industry dynamics? - and much more.
Global Biotechnology Insights
Oct 7, 2021
Oncology Is a Major Focus for Many AI Drug Discovery Companies

Oncology Is a Major Focus for Many AI Drug Discovery Companies

The application of artificial intelligence (AI) in the drug discovery process is promising to drastically cut down timelines and costs of bringing new therapies to patients.
Global Biotechnology Insights
Oct 5, 2021
Market Growth for General Patient Monitoring Devices

Market Growth for General Patient Monitoring Devices

In medicine, as well as in the healthcare and medical device industries, different conditions, specialisms, products, and companies alike are often organized around specific therapeutic areas. Whilst this is an excellent and efficient way to enable adequate specialization, there are also cases where a more general approach to patient monitoring is required.
Global Biotechnology Insights
Sep 30, 2021
Space Technology Rocketing Upwards

Space Technology Rocketing Upwards

Space. The final frontier, the first step in a journey just beginning, or a horrifying void matched only by your deep fear of the ocean? Whatever your feelings on space, technology has been steadily pushing forwards to take exploration further, faster, and foodier than ever before.
Global Biotechnology Insights
Sep 15, 2021
5G From 2022 Onward: Deployment Status, Industry Challenges, & Market

5G From 2022 Onward: Deployment Status, Industry Challenges, & Market

5G is paving the way for a fully digitalized and connected world. The past two years have seen many new field trials and an accelerating number of commercial rollouts. Moreover, 5G is starting to be adopted in a wide range of industries, from manufacturing to healthcare.
Global Biotechnology Insights
Aug 25, 2021
Thermoelectric U-Turn Gains Momentum

Thermoelectric U-Turn Gains Momentum

Thermoelectrics is a business impeded by the use of the toxic rare metal Tellurium. Commendably, there is a trend to alternatives in research but few volume sales as yet in any of the three uses. These are energy harvesting to make electricity where it is needed and the more successful cooling and heating, those last two constituting very-reliable, solid heat pumps.
Global Biotechnology Insights
Aug 18, 2021
AI in Drug Discovery Requires Extensive Chemical Libraries

AI in Drug Discovery Requires Extensive Chemical Libraries

AI in drug discovery is a field that has received an immense increase in interest, uptake, and investment over the past year due to the COVID-19 pandemic. While lockdowns forced everyone around the world to explore virtual ways of working, the biopharma industry faced the additional task of quickly developing new drugs for the treatment of COVID-19. Enter the application of AI in drug discovery - a technology that promises to drastically cut down timelines and costs, and potentially, develop safer and more efficacious drugs.
Global Biotechnology Insights
Aug 12, 2021
The Killer App For Smart Textiles

The Killer App For Smart Textiles

The development of new technology often creates new opportunities to provide value to customers in new products. Electronic textiles have hundreds of potential use cases, many of which are being explored by different companies around the world. So where is the "killer app" for e-textiles?
Global Biotechnology Insights
May 3, 2022
Upcoming Webinar - Point-of-Care Biosensors: COVID-19 and Beyond

Upcoming Webinar - Point-of-Care Biosensors: COVID-19 and Beyond

Thursday 5 May 2022 - What is driving the growing need for point-of-care? Is point-of-care too expensive? What's next for COVID-19 point-of-care? The webinar will discuss growth during the COVID-19 pandemic; the market beyond COVID-19; key trends; and emerging transduction methods at point-of-care
Global Biotechnology Insights
Apr 11, 2022
Diabetes Technology Market: Continuous Glucose Monitors Drives Growth

Diabetes Technology Market: Continuous Glucose Monitors Drives Growth

By the year 2032, IDTechEx predicts the test strip industry to make up only 6.7% of the overall diabetes management device market, down from a peak of 63.4% in 2010.
Global Biotechnology Insights
Feb 22, 2022
Biden's Critical and Emerging Technologies: Areas To Watch

Biden's Critical and Emerging Technologies: Areas To Watch

In February 2022, the White House issued an updated list of critical and emerging technologies that the Office of Science and Technology Policy (OSTP), National Science and Technology Council (NSTC), and National Security Council (NSC) have identified as being important for US national security. Numerous technology areas have been featured, including advanced manufacturing, hypersonics, biotechnologies, and artificial intelligence. Of these, IDTechEx has highlighted which areas to watch and why exactly the White House has shortlisted them as critical technologies.
Global Biotechnology Insights
Nov 30, 2021
The Most Significant Advanced Materials News from 2021

The Most Significant Advanced Materials News from 2021

With the pandemic still raging, supply chain disruptions, the chip shortage, climate catastrophes, and geopolitical turbulence, it is safe to say 2021 has not been smooth sailing. The materials and chemical sector provides the backbone of every industry and remains under pressure from all these challenges. In this article, IDTechEx highlights the key news from their independent perspective on this crucial industry.
Global Biotechnology Insights
Oct 28, 2021
Upcoming Webinar on Sensors and Sensor-Centric 6G Communications

Upcoming Webinar on Sensors and Sensor-Centric 6G Communications

Wednesday 3 November 2021 - Prospects for All Sensors and Preparation for Sensor-Centric 6G Communications in 2022. This webinar reveals progress in 2021 and prospects for 2022, and much more! Register your place on of the three sessions.
Global Biotechnology Insights
Oct 26, 2021
Where is the Momentum in Wearables in 2021?

Where is the Momentum in Wearables in 2021?

Over the past decade, wearables have progressed from a niche curiosity on the fringes of the consumer electronics sector, to being a key strategic element for many of the largest technology companies in the world. The total market for wearable technology products has doubled in annual revenue since 2015, generating nearly $80bn in revenue in 2020. However, with momentum, product trends, and focuses shifting all the time, it is important to stay ahead of the competition and consider the trends which will drive the sector over the coming years and decades.
Global Biotechnology Insights
Oct 13, 2021
Join the Upcoming IDTechEx Webinar on 5G

Join the Upcoming IDTechEx Webinar on 5G

Thursday 14 October 2021 - What is the deployment outlook in 5 key regions including China, the U.S., Europe, South Korea, and Japan? Who are the key players? How will this technology disrupt 5G industry dynamics? - and much more.
Global Biotechnology Insights
Oct 5, 2021
Market Growth for General Patient Monitoring Devices

Market Growth for General Patient Monitoring Devices

In medicine, as well as in the healthcare and medical device industries, different conditions, specialisms, products, and companies alike are often organized around specific therapeutic areas. Whilst this is an excellent and efficient way to enable adequate specialization, there are also cases where a more general approach to patient monitoring is required.
Global Biotechnology Insights
Sep 15, 2021
5G From 2022 Onward: Deployment Status, Industry Challenges, & Market

5G From 2022 Onward: Deployment Status, Industry Challenges, & Market

5G is paving the way for a fully digitalized and connected world. The past two years have seen many new field trials and an accelerating number of commercial rollouts. Moreover, 5G is starting to be adopted in a wide range of industries, from manufacturing to healthcare.
Global Biotechnology Insights
Aug 18, 2021
AI in Drug Discovery Requires Extensive Chemical Libraries

AI in Drug Discovery Requires Extensive Chemical Libraries

AI in drug discovery is a field that has received an immense increase in interest, uptake, and investment over the past year due to the COVID-19 pandemic. While lockdowns forced everyone around the world to explore virtual ways of working, the biopharma industry faced the additional task of quickly developing new drugs for the treatment of COVID-19. Enter the application of AI in drug discovery - a technology that promises to drastically cut down timelines and costs, and potentially, develop safer and more efficacious drugs.
Global Biotechnology Insights
Apr 20, 2022
How Has the Biosensor Market Doubled in Just Two Years?

How Has the Biosensor Market Doubled in Just Two Years?

Never before has point-of-care testing been so crucial to healthcare systems. In the last 2 years, COVID-19 has caused the point-of-care biosensors industry to expand by almost 300%. A recent IDTechEx report explains the drivers causing the shift from conventional laboratory-based diagnostics toward point-of-care diagnostics performed directly at hospitals, clinics, offices, and at home.
Global Biotechnology Insights
Apr 5, 2022
Join the Upcoming IDTechEx Webinar on Continuous Glucose Monitors

Join the Upcoming IDTechEx Webinar on Continuous Glucose Monitors

Thursday 28 April 2022 - A New Era for Diabetes Management. Discussions on how CGMs can drive diabetes management digital health platforms; overview on how a growing CGM industry will affect the insulin delivery industry; future targets of the diabetes management technology industry and several examples of technologies being developed to meet these targets.
Global Biotechnology Insights
Feb 1, 2022
New Hydrogel Types, Applications, Opportunities

New Hydrogel Types, Applications, Opportunities

Gymnast of chemicals, the awesome hydrogel is a 3D network of hydrophilic polymers like a giant molecule that can swell in water and hold at least 10% of water while maintaining a well-defined structure. Medical hydrogels currently dominate hydrogel publicity, patents, and research but the rest will become a larger business 2022-2042.
Global Biotechnology Insights
Nov 18, 2021
Printed Electronics: Emerging Applications Accelerate Towards Adoption

Printed Electronics: Emerging Applications Accelerate Towards Adoption

2021 has been an exciting year for printed electronics, with multiple applications reaching commercial adoption and significant funds flowing into the sector. Even where technologies are not yet commercialized, companies are increasingly transitioning from developing their technology and producing speculative demonstration prototypes to development and qualification projects for specific customers.
Global Biotechnology Insights
Oct 27, 2021
Join the Upcoming Webinar Discussing Wearable Technology in 2021

Join the Upcoming Webinar Discussing Wearable Technology in 2021

Tuesday 2 November 2021 - A Summary of Key Market Data and Trends. This webinar will cover major trends in each sector of wearable technology, presenting data about the current state of the market as well as a general outlook for each sector
Global Biotechnology Insights
Oct 18, 2021
Is it Finally Time for Printed Temperature Sensors?

Is it Finally Time for Printed Temperature Sensors?

Think of a temperature sensor - and a traditional glass thermometer, or perhaps a small thermistor would probably spring to mind. However, a new class of temperature sensors is rapidly emerging that offers spatial resolution together with a thin-film format.
Global Biotechnology Insights
Oct 7, 2021
Oncology Is a Major Focus for Many AI Drug Discovery Companies

Oncology Is a Major Focus for Many AI Drug Discovery Companies

The application of artificial intelligence (AI) in the drug discovery process is promising to drastically cut down timelines and costs of bringing new therapies to patients.
Global Biotechnology Insights
Sep 30, 2021
Space Technology Rocketing Upwards

Space Technology Rocketing Upwards

Space. The final frontier, the first step in a journey just beginning, or a horrifying void matched only by your deep fear of the ocean? Whatever your feelings on space, technology has been steadily pushing forwards to take exploration further, faster, and foodier than ever before.
Global Biotechnology Insights
Aug 25, 2021
Thermoelectric U-Turn Gains Momentum

Thermoelectric U-Turn Gains Momentum

Thermoelectrics is a business impeded by the use of the toxic rare metal Tellurium. Commendably, there is a trend to alternatives in research but few volume sales as yet in any of the three uses. These are energy harvesting to make electricity where it is needed and the more successful cooling and heating, those last two constituting very-reliable, solid heat pumps.
Global Biotechnology Insights
Aug 12, 2021
The Killer App For Smart Textiles

The Killer App For Smart Textiles

The development of new technology often creates new opportunities to provide value to customers in new products. Electronic textiles have hundreds of potential use cases, many of which are being explored by different companies around the world. So where is the "killer app" for e-textiles?
More IDTechEx Journals